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Pěnožrouti 2

Pěnožrouti 2

Prague, Český Krumlov, Doksy

Prague, Český Krumlov, Doksy – We are reporting from places all around Czechia and Slovakia. Because this is where Foam Eaters, creatures from a mobile brand experience app, rule now. They took over the majority of local pubs and restaurants and changed them into gaming zones.

But let’s start from the beginning. Kofola is Czech Republic and Slovakias number one selling soft drink. The difference between Kofola and other soft drinks is its really sweet foam. Our task was to bring attention to the foam, as well as create a reward for all Kofola lovers at the point of sale.

But… Keychains, tattoos, stickers, fake moustaches, sombreros… hasn’t there been enough? This type of promotion stopped working years ago. Challenging these classic marketing gags, we wanted to offer people something different. An entertaining digital experience not only tied to drinking Kofola. We created the AR app Pěnožrouti (Foam Eaters) – for capturing little monsters who love Kofola foam.

Geo location, secret bonuses, user rankings, special collection… we got it all. And with it we got these great results.

  • popis:

    How a brand experience changed the game in point of sale

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