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Look around so you experience something

Look around so you experience something

How we took Májka on a family outing


Scope of work

  • New communication concept for Hamé Májka
  • 30s, 15s TVC in CZ and SK
  • 30s,15s,10s, 6s versions for online
  • Key visual and POSM communication
  • Activation in the form of an online PDF  family adventure game

O kampani

“Creating new communication for a traditional brand is always a challenge, even more so if people liked the previous brand communication, as in the case of Hamé Májka and the iconic advertising spots with Bolek Polívka. Therefore, we had to find a strong association with which to connect the brand and thus be relevant for customers even without Bolek. The consumer occasion of taking a trip, with which the majority of Hamé consumers associated Májka, clearly stood out from customer surveys. The association with trips was also positive for the Hamé Májka brand because it connected the brand with the emotionally positive memories that consumers have of trips. The family outing thus became the central motif of the new creative approach, in which our Czech family sets out on a shared adventure.

In order to recall the Czech origins of the brand, we chose the typically Czech countryside of the Kokořín area for our family trip. Production was handled by Boogiefilms, and Tomáš Bařina directed. The plot revolves around the search for a hooting owl, which results in a comical clash with another family excursion. The Hamé Májka product is appropriately placed at crucial moments in the plot and thanks to it, our family’s adventure has a happy ending. We supplemented the authentic story with a strong claim that connects the product and the consumer opportunity on the trip – “”Look around so you experience something””.

With the new Hamé Májka story, we are aiming for relevance, believability and positive emotions towards the brand. And we can surely concur that we have all sometimes experienced a fun outing with bread and paté in our backpacks.”

What made Májka Famously Effective:

The communication was very well received by consumers and the Hamé Májka brand succeeded in moving past the successful communication with Bolek and entering a new era. The consumer situation of the trip evokes relevance and believability and the new territory of unforgettable experiences with family offers extensive space for further communication in the future.

In addition, Hamé Májka gained new symbols in the communication – the personas of a typical Czech family (mom, dad, daughter, son) and an animal character (a Eurasian eagle-owl), which help in the adaptation of communication to all levels (TV, Online, POS).


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    How we took Májka on a family outing

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